Photogrammetry Survey of Taymouth Castle Redevelopment.

Taymouth Castle, a historic landmark located in Scotland, underwent a monumental redevelopment. To document the progress and transformation of this iconic structure, ScanCraft partnered with Matterport Inc to conduct a comprehensive visual timeline survey. ScanCraft deployed their advanced LiDAR cameras in conjunction with Matterport software to fulfil the commission.

Challenges Faced by the construction company: The project manager overseeing the luxury fit out encountered several key challenges:

  1. Record Keeping: Ensuring accurate documentation of the initial state of the castle before redevelopment was crucial for historical preservation and future reference.

  2. Capturing Progression: Reliably tracking the ongoing work completed throughout the redevelopment process.

  3. Communication with Overseas Executives: Effectively communicating the progress of the redevelopment to Discovery Land Company executives based overseas posed a significant challenge due to geographical distance and differing time zones.

Solution Provided by Matterport & ScanCraft: Matterport & ScanCraft employed a strategic approach to address the challenges faced by the fitout company.

  1. LiDAR Scanning and Matterport Integration: ScanCraft utilised their state-of-the-art LiDAR cameras in conjunction with Matterport software to capture highly detailed 3D scans of Taymouth Castle at regular intervals. This integration allowed for seamless data processing and visualisation, facilitating easy comparison of changes over time.

  2. Scheduled Monthly Scans: To ensure comprehensive coverage of the redevelopment progress, ScanCraft conducted LiDAR scans covering 80,666 square feet of the castle every month over the course of two years. This consistent scanning schedule provided a detailed timeline of the transformation process.

  3. Remote Access and Collaboration: Leveraging Matterport's cloud-based platform, Matterport & ScanCraft enabled company executives to remotely access and explore the 3D scans in real-time from anywhere in the world. This facilitated transparent communication and decision-making, despite the physical distance between the project site and overseas stakeholders.

Outcome and Benefits: The collaboration between ScanCraft and Matterport yielded significant benefits for the Taymouth Castle redevelopment project:

  1. Comprehensive Documentation: The visual timeline survey provided by ScanCraft offered a comprehensive record of the castle's transformation, from its original state to the final redevelopment, ensuring historical preservation and future reference.

  2. Efficient Progress Tracking: The project team were able to accurately track the progression of work completed throughout the redevelopment process, enabling timely decision-making and resource allocation.

  3. Effective Communication: By providing company executives with remote access to the 3D scans, effective communication and collaboration, Matterport & ScanCraft bridged the gap between on-site activities and overseas stakeholders.

  4. Quality Assurance: The high-resolution 3D scans captured by ScanCraft's LiDAR cameras ensured the accuracy and reliability of the documentation, allowing for detailed analysis and quality assurance throughout the project lifecycle.

The partnership between ScanCraft and Matterport played a crucial role in documenting the redevelopment of Taymouth Castle. Through their innovative approach to visual timeline surveys, ScanCraft successfully addressed the challenges faced by the construction company and provided invaluable support to executives in realising their vision for this historic landmark.


Innovative Rehabilitation of a Collapsed Stainless Steel Spirit Vat

A significant incident occurred where a stainless steel spirit vat, with a capacity of 70,000 litres, collapsed due to operator error. The conventional options of repair or replacement were deemed economically unfeasible after a thorough cost analysis. To explore alternative solutions, the facility management decided commssion ScanCraft to conduct a detailed LiDAR assessment of the vat's condition to determine if it could be rehabilitated and safely returned to service.


  1. Cost Concerns: Repair or replacement costs were estimated to be between £40,000 to £80,000, which was deemed prohibitively expensive.

  2. Complex Damage Assessment: The collapse caused significant deformation to the vat, requiring a comprehensive assessment to ensure structural integrity and compliance with safety standards.

  3. Material Limitations: Given the nature of the damage, it was crucial to confirm that the stainless steel material hadn't exceeded its tensile limits, as per the industry standard stipulated in EEMUA 159.


  1. Lidar Scanning: To obtain precise measurements and a detailed 3D representation of the damage, LiDAR scanning technology was employed. This enabled the capture of accurate data points to reconstruct the vat's geometry.

  2. Dynamic Simulation Modelling: The scanned data was processed using AutoCAD Revit to create a dynamic simulation model. This step allowed engineers to visualise the extent of damage and simulate stress scenarios to assess structural integrity.

  3. Assessment of Tensile Limits: Engineers evaluated the deformation against acceptable tensile limits outlined in industry standard EEMUA 159. It was crucial to ensure that the structural integrity of the vat was within safe operating parameters.

  4. Authorisation and Insurance Approval: Upon confirmation of the structural integrity and compliance, the assessment findings were reviewed and approved by an authorising engineer and the insurance provider.

  5. Return to Service: With the necessary approvals obtained, the rehabilitated vat was deemed safe for use and returned to service, effectively avoiding the need for costly repair or replacement.

The innovative approach of utilising LiDAR scanning, dynamic simulation modelling, and adherence to industry standards proved to be successful. The total cost incurred for this novel solution amounted to £4500, significantly lower than the initial estimates for repair or replacement. By leveraging technology and thorough assessment, the facility was able to salvage the vat, ensuring operational continuity while saving substantial costs.

This case study highlights the importance of exploring alternative solutions and leveraging advanced technologies in industrial rehabilitation scenarios. Through meticulous assessment and adherence to safety standards, even seemingly dire situations can be effectively addressed, resulting in cost savings and operational efficiency gains. The successful rehabilitation of the collapsed stainless steel spirit vat serves as a testament to the value of innovation and strategic decision-making in industrial settings.


LiDAR Scanned Virtual Twin for InchDairnie Distillery

InchDairnie Distillery, a new age distillery, located in Fife, Scotland, embarked on a significant expansion project involving the installation of two brand new stills. To ensure a smooth and precise installation process, InchDairnie Distillery commissioned ScanCraft to create a LiDAR scanned Virtual Twin of their distillery. This innovative solution provided a detailed record of the original distillery layout while offering crucial measurement data to facilitate the seamless installation of the new stills.


  1. Accurate Measurement Data: InchDairnie Distillery required precise measurement details of their existing distillery layout to ensure compatibility with the planned installation of the new stills.

  2. Seamless Integration: The installation of new stills needed to be seamlessly integrated into the existing distillery infrastructure while causing minimum disruptions to ongoing operations.

  3. Documentation and Record-Keeping: InchDairnie Distillery sought to create a comprehensive record of their distillery for future reference and historical preservation.

Solution Provided by ScanCraft: ScanCraft devised a strategic approach to address the challenges faced by InchDairnie Distillery:

  1. LiDAR Scanning: ScanCraft utilized advanced LiDAR scanning technology to capture highly accurate 3D scans of the entire distillery facility. This included detailed scans of the layout, equipment, and interactive, geo tagged, structural features.

  2. Creation of Virtual Twin: Using the data obtained from LiDAR scanning, ScanCraft created a virtual twin of the distillery. This virtual model accurately represented the layout and dimensions of the distillery, providing engineers with a digital replica for planning and analysis purposes.

  3. Measurement Detail: The LiDAR scanned Virtual Twin provided engineers with crucial measurement data, including precise dimensions and spatial relationships between equipment and interactive, geo tagged, infrastructure components. This information proved invaluable in ensuring the compatibility and seamless integration of the new stills into the existing distillery layout.

  4. Documentation and Record-Keeping: The LiDAR scanned Virtual Twin served as a comprehensive record of the original distillery layout, offering InchDairnie Distillery a valuable resource for future reference, maintenance, and expansion projects.

Outcome and Benefits: The collaboration between ScanCraft and InchDairnie Distillery yielded significant benefits for the expansion project:

  1. Precise Installation: The LiDAR scanned Virtual Twin provided engineers with accurate measurement data, enabling the seamless installation of the new stills without the need for extensive modifications or adjustments to the existing distillery infrastructure.

  2. Efficient Planning: The virtual model created by ScanCraft allowed engineers to visualize and plan the installation process in detail, minimizing potential risks and streamlining project execution.

  3. Comprehensive Documentation: InchDairnie Distillery now possesses a detailed record of their distillery layout, facilitating ongoing maintenance, future expansion, and operational optimization efforts.

The creation of a LiDAR scanned Virtual Twin by ScanCraft proved to be a valuable asset for InchDairnie Distillery's expansion project. By providing accurate measurement data and a comprehensive digital replica of the distillery, ScanCraft enabled a smooth and efficient installation process, ensuring the continued success and growth of the distillery operations.